Tuesday, 8 November 2011

What is good PR?

Good PR is telling the client what they need to hear instead of what they want to hear. Good PR recognizes that the best “PR strategy” needs to be followed-up with the client’s good products/services or else it’s all a vain and wasted effort that harms everyone’s reputation.

Good PR is not just about the over-glorified launch. Good PR helps build and sustain a groundswell of brand support — incrementally changing consumer behaviors via a steady stream of relevant and candid communication to both “media” and “consumers.”

Good PR celebrates the client’s customers in an inclusive, non-exploitive way. And, good PR welcomes the input of “neutrals” and especially “critics,” and adapts strategy accordingly.

Good PR is proactive in idea generation and responsive in a crisis. Good PR finds the balance.

Good PR is measurable. (And yet also hard to measure, since most clients want to measure different things.)

Good PR leverages pre-existing relationships with influential people — relationships built on trust and credibility earned over years of service.

Good PR doesn’t need to know Larry Ellison or Kevin Rose or anyone in particular in the media, either. Even though such relationships can come in handy, good PR almost always “gets ink” because a good story has been well-told to the right people.


  1. Any good PR elements do you know??

  2. Hi aiman,

    From my reading, to be a good PR you need to posses a certain skill set that can be broken down into 2 categories

    1) human skills
    2) professional skills.

    i'll already discuss it on my blog. which you can visit and make a reviews about this issues.


    my 2cent sharing

  3. Absolutely, I agree with Lieza's view.

  4. Yes,human skills is our nature skill that are given to us.

    But professional skills is the skill that we had learn in order to make it better.
